Tuesday, April 3, 2012

2012-03-27: GBBC via CARP

OK, that’s a title to decipher!

It translates to: Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) via Canadian Association of Retired People (CARP). At least that I think how CARP started out. I just looked it up. They no longer use it as an acronym for reasons explained at their site:

I picked up on this idea from a newsletter from Bird Studies Canada. (Hey, Canada is closer to se Michigan than the UP!)


(You do not need to subscribe. The URL gives links to their programs on the left side. It was just the fastest way to drop a URL for those curious …

Here is a link to the GBBC summary from the CARP site:


I think it is interesting to see what our northern (and southern – in the case of sw Ontario) neighbors experienced on the GBBC.

But actually the main reason I want to send this out is that there was a post to C.A.R.P. members about the GBBC that generated a huge response for GBBC:


Does anyone know of anything by AARP in a similar vein? I am an AARP member, but do not recall anything. There are so many AARP members in Michigan! I know some are on the birders list. I know some did the GBBC. But I really believe there is a HUGE number of AARP members (the majority!) who have bird feeders and yet do not consider themselves formal birders or are actively involved in activities that promote birding or the conservation of birds. Not only would it be good for GBBC, but having that group become actively involved in this one activity (as a starter) would generate SO much interest in our birding fascination!

Similar to local news outlets, this is another place to create a positive presence for birding! And, all such forums need ambassadors to post occasional notes.

Anyone see anything on GBBC from local news or AARP?

Just wondering … (or is it rambling and wandering?) …

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